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Albarn, Damon: Dr Dee (CD)

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Dr Dee, a new studio album by Damon Albarn.

Dr Dee is 18 tracks of songs and music inspired by the life of John Dee, mathematician, polymath and advisor to Elizabeth I. Described by Albarn as ‘strange pastoral folk’, Dr Dee is a fitting companion to the end of another Elizabethan age. The album combines Albarn's voice with early English choral and instrumentation alongside modern, West African and Renaissance sounds.

Dr Dee was recorded late last year in Albarn’s West London studio and also in Salford with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra. The album was mixed by Valgeir Sigursson in Reykjavik.

1) The Golden Dawn
2) Apple Carts
3) Oh Spirit Animate Us
4) The Moon Exalted
5) A Man of England
6) Saturn
7) Coronation
8) The Marvelous Dream
9) A Prayer
10) Edward Kelley
11) Preparation
12) 9 point Star
13) Temptation Comes In The Afternoon
14) Watching the Fire That Waltzed Away
15) Moon (Interlude)
16) Cathedrals
17) Tree Of Life
18) The Dancing King
Varenr.: 5099995389325