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Mannequin Pussy - perfect (olive green vinyl w etched

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  • Lev. normalt indenfor 3-21 hverdage
  •  køb af 1 stk.,159,95  DKK

On their EP entitled perfect, MANNEQUIN PUSSY’s new songs burst forth from the sprawling months of social isolation & internet-fueled anxiety. The band rages about the practice of condensing your daily life into a manicured stream of images for social media. What happens to the social impulse when everyone you love or even like is leveled into a set of pixels. "It was a really weird psychological experience, being bombarded by images of other people constantly when you are not around a lot of other people," vocalist Missy Dabice says. After spending most of the year 2020 apart from each other and everyone else, the members of MANNEQUIN PUSSY decided to book studio time and work together in person again. What came out of that compressed session time were some of MANNEQUIN PUSSY’s most furious, incandescent songs yet. The Philadelphia based band teams up yet again with producer Will Yip to satiate fans with perfect, the EP follow-up to their critically acclaimed 2019 Epitaph debut Patience (Pitchfork Best New Music, sold out US tour, and "one of the best rock releases of 2019" according to Paste Magazine). "We just figured if we forced ourselves into this situation where someone could hit ‘record,’ something might come out," Dabice says. "We’d never written that way before."


1. Control
2. Perfect
3. To Lose You
4. Pigs is Pigs
5. Darling
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