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Black Sabbath: The End + The Angelic Sessions (CD+DVD)

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  • Lev. normalt indenfor 3-21 hverdage
  •  køb af 1 stk.,169,95  DKK

Almost five decades ago, the toll of a bell and rolling thunder marked the conception of an ear splittingly monolithic riff. In that moment, Black Sabbath and the sound of Heavy Metal were forged. The band embarked on what Ozzy describes as “the most incredible adventure you could think of”, a journey that would go on to define a genre.

The End is a celebration of Black Sabbath’s final hometown concert at Birmingham’s Genting Arena on 4th February, 2017. This unforgettable farewell show from one of the biggest bands in the world will be released on 17th November 2017.

With a hit packed set list including Iron Man, Paranoid, War Pigs and many more, the high production values, visual effects and pyrotechnics wowed fans, as the band delivered the most emotionally charged show in their history.
Varenr.: 5051300208721